An Inspired Young Woman's Daybook (worried and afraid yet trusting)

Find out how to do An Inspired Young Woman's Daybook here

Today, we (Glogie and I) went to loppemarked at Snarøya with Jojo and Anjie. It's like a garage sale and we bought books!  Like a lot of them! Yeah, it's heavy but it is all worth it. I am really happy. I can't wait to read them all. Glogie found a pink blouse for me which is really nice. I felt a little bad because I haven't found anything green for her. But she assured me it's okay. We met Arjay and went to his place later. There were a lot of girls we haven't met before. And we ate pansit (stir-fried noodles) which filled our stomachs. And then we went to the hospital so we could accomapany Ian, Arjay's brother. He's going to have a heart operation because they're gonna fix the leakage from his mitral valve. We always pray that everything will be well. Please pray for him too. Thank you. :) And from the hospital, we went to attend the mass. And I felt good.

I'm feeling worried and afraid. But I know that if I should put my trust to Him, everything will be well. I'm just trouble by what's happening recently-- the earthquakes, the plane crash, the volcanic eruption. I sometimes ask myself, is this the beginning of the great tribulation Jesus had prophesied? And if these are indeed the signs of the end of times, shouldn't we be with our loved ones? Honestly, I felt afraid. What if I get stucked in here and cannot go home even when I wanted to? What if I die and haven't let the people I love know and show how much I loved them? That is the worst case scenario. But hey, where's my faith? God sees, hears and feels all our sentiments. He will never leave us nor forsake us. I am praying that everything will be alright. :)

My outfit is black pants from Sai, fuschia blouse and pink socks.

Outside my window, it's beginning to get dark and there are tiny lights from other houses.

A song that's stuck in my head, "How sweet is is to be loved by you."

Something (a book, song, movie, person...) that's inspired me recently is Hebbe. He's th dog in the house and I consider him a person. Because, I felt that he cared for me. Dogs are the most sensitive pets and the most loyal ones. And I am so grateful to have Hebbe on my side. It was yesterday when I woke up from a nap and realized how lonely I am, how far I am from home, and how much I missed the ones I love. And the only one I could talk to was Hebbe. He was looking at me puzzled as I began to enumerate the people  missed, the things I missed doing, and the place where I should be. And I was crying while hugging myself. And then he came to me. He kind of comforted me. And I hugged him. He licked my tears and I began to laugh because I don't want to be licked in the face. I said, thanks Hebbe, but I'm fine with a hug. And hugged him. And cried again. And he didn't move for awhile.

A prayer of my heart this week "May all the things I fear disappear in my heart and may I always find comfort in Him whose love for me is eternal."

I am creating my third entry for TOP.

I am reading the Bible and the Purpose Driven Life.

I am thinking of donating blood and of going home.

A scripture verse or passage that's stuck out to me this week "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever." -Psalm 73:26

A spiritual lesson I'm learning: "There's no sin God cannot forgive. There's no offense God cannot forgive. There's no wound God cannot heal."

An attribute of God I've seen this week is His patience. He had always been patient to each and everyone of us. From the moment He breathed life unto us, He had been waiting for us to know our life's meaning through Him. And He was ever patient. We are often astray but still, He's patiently waiting for us to come back to Him.

A picture I’d like to share: The Penguin by Kaspar. :)

A creative goal for next week is go through pictures and print them, make an album and bring them home.

Did I complete my goal from last week... Did I? hehe I did some. :)


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