Ballad of A Mother's Heart by Jose La Villa Tierra

The night was dark,
For the moon was young,
And the Stars were asleep and rare,
The clouds were thick,
Yet Youth went out,
To see his Maiden fair.

Dear one,
he pleaded as he knelt before her feet in tears.
My love is true,
Why you have kept me waiting all this years?
The maiden looked at him.
Unmoved it seemed,
And whispered low.

Persistent Youth,
You have to prove by deeds,
Your love is true.
"There's not a thing
I would not do for you, Beloved" said he.
"Then, go." said she. "To your mother dear,
And bring her heart to me.

Without another word,
Youth left and went to his mother dear.
He opened her breast and took her heart!
But he did not shed a tear.

Then back to his Maiden fair,
He run unmindful of the rain.
But his feet slipped, And he fell down,
And loud, he groaned with pain!

Still in his hand he held the prize,
That would win his Maiden's hands.
But he thought of his mother dear,
So kind,so sweet,so fond.

And then,
he heard a voice!
Not from his lips,
But all apart!

"Get up" it said.
"Were you hurt,Child?"
It was his mother's heart

I remembered I was first year high school when I first read this. And it tore my heart... This poem simply showed how unconditional a mother's love can be. It is sad... and yet, so so true... :(


Anonymous said…
i was so inspired by this poem <3
Unknown said…
we are going to present this poem in our classroom and this poen inspires me a lot. we are going to present this as an "INTERPRETATIVE READING".

i am carl anthony santander, following and respecting this poem

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