26th on 27th

It's not everyday that I realize how blessed I am. Today is one of those rare times I feel grateful. And I did not force myself to feel it. It just suddenly flowed out from the innermost part of me. I'm grateful that I have the two most wonderful parents in the world-- Mama Didith and Papa Dodong. They are wonderful like WONDERFUL. I don't know if there is any other word that could perfectly describe them because honestly, they are beyond all beautiful words put together.

Here's their lovestory according to what I've grasped in 24 years...

Papa in his younger years was a handsome young man. Mama in her younger years was a nice young woman. (ehe nakalimtan man ang beautiful). They met at the church. They fell in love. And they got married. And they live happily ever after. :)

That's really short, I know. But that's all I know. I really wish I know better. But nevertheless, what else could bring two people together except... love? The moment they said 'I do.', their life together as one started. There were a lot of hardships they encountered (those that they don't share with their kids). And it was difficult. My father was an engineering student and he gave up his studies to marry my mother. My mother was a high school teacher. My mother is seven years older than my father. Not that I'm so proud of it (because my mother won't like to talk about it.hehe). But just want to give light to those anxious with age. It doesn't matter. Take it from me, I've seen it in 24 years...okay, (24 years minus my baby years). Age has nothing to do in any relationship unless you make a big deal out of it. And so... where was I? Yeah, their life together as one. They started from scratch. They didn't have a house so they had to live at my father's father's house (my grandpa's house, I mean). And it wasn't easy. They quarrell. And they make-up. They fight. And they reconcile. It wasn't pure happiness during the first year. They had trials. There were a lot of adjustments. But they did not give up. From their first year up to now, their 26th year. Conflicts arise every now and then but they're still together. What keeps them together is the love that they have for each other. What makes them forgive each other's shortcomings, forget each other's misgivings and accept each other's imperfections is LOVE. And because of that love, I am here and so are my sisters and my brother.

And so, here's my message for Mama and Papa

Dearest Mama and Papa,
Thank you for the life... for those sacrifices-- all those sleepless nights (gikan sa pagtimpla ug gatas, pag-ilis ug lampin, pagbantay if masakit mi, tanan hantud pagdako namo), for all the hard work just to provide for all our needs, for giving us food so we may not starve, for sending us to school, for stretching both ends (nga kina-stretchan gyud) just to make us not worry, and for making this world a perfect place to live even when it is not. Thank you for the wonderful childhood we had. Thank you for the kind of discipline you gave us. We wouldn't be who we are now if not for all the things (big and small) that you did for us. We might not have seen it all-- the tears that you always hide, the worries that you never tell us, and every little sacrifice that we were not able to see, thank you... Thank you for the unconditional love you unceasingly give.

We're sorry for all the fears we have caused you. We know that the moment we were born, fear was also born within you. And we'll never know that fear unless we have children of our own. So let me say sorry for all those times I had been weak and insensitive. Sorry for not drinking the normal milk (my tastebuds were clearly not developed at that time); sorry for those times I get sick (usahay tuyuon nako kaynaa man gud Royal), sorry for those times I could not walk (my knees were just better than my feet), sorry for running towards you everytime I have trouble at school (i should've been able to deal with my own fights), sorry for being so shy and silent (I know it's a problem I'm still overcoming); sorry for all my failures(I know how bad you felt when you saw me distressed); sorry for those times I've raised my voice and hurt you with my words( It can't be undone but I'm really really sorry). All in all, for all those times I made you angry, worry, sad and cry (and in behalf of us four, we are all sorry for every little thing we did and we did not do that hurt you in a way or another). If I could turn back the time, I would be a better daughter. I would put your feelings first like you always do for us. I'm sorry... and I'm grateful for the unsurpassable amount of understanding you have always allotted for us.

I will always be proud that you are my parents. I will always be grateful to God that I belong to the family I will always love. Thanks for this day. Ma and Pa, you mean so much to me. I may have not noticed it but you, together with ate geegile, eboy and ayen are the main reason I keep taking every next breath. Thank you for this life. Thank you for keeping me alive. Thank you for being the comfort that I needed. I miss you so much... and truly, it's unbearable to want to hug people you love who aren't there within your reach. But I'm keeping all of these in my heart. After all, I'll see you really really soon.

I love you so much. Happy 26th civil wedding anniversary! :)



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