An Inspired Young Woman's Daybook (stressed but happy)

 Find out how to do An Inspired Young Woman's Daybook here

Today, it's full of light! Longer days are coming :) I'm gonna clean the windows! so the sunlight comes in freely (no dusts blocking the way!) hehe

I'm feeling a bit stressed but happy. I just have not come into a conclusion how being in a relationship freaks me out. haha It is stressing me out. hehe But on the ither hand, I'm happy. Because God has given us what we have always prayed for--Lola's health :) 

My outfit is the usual- jeans and t-shirt.

Outside my window, the withered trees (trees with no leaves) are slowly coming back to life. I could see little leaves beginning to sprout. :)

A song that's stuck in my head "Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that You're my God." It's the offeratory song we sang during the mass yesterday at St. Hallvard. We're on the choir!

Something (a book, song, movie, person...) that's inspired me recently is the young boy who sang at Pilipinas Got Talent-- Carl Malone Montecido. The boy is blind from birth. And yet he sings very well like it came from the depth of his heart. And I was deeply touched when he sang "Sundan mo ng tanaw ang buhay. Mundo ay punan mo ng saya't gawing makulay." It's like "follow the view of life. Fill the world with joy and make it colorful." And I could not help my tears because he sang it with great conviction. He's singing about making life colorful when he have not seen it. At his age, he understood the meaning of life more than I do. And he appreciates everything that he has. I just wish that God will bless him more and his mother who was very supportive of him. If Jesus would just lay His Hand on him, I knew he will be able to see... If He wills, the boy will be healed.... I really wish he could see the colors of life.

A prayer of my heart this week "May my heart be able to see what the world has failed to show me. And may I be a living vessel of Christ's love."

I am creating a sequel of my story "I Meant It When I Said "I Do"."

I am reading the Bible.

I am thinking of changing my status. haha

A scripture verse or passage that's stuck out to me this week "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you, He will not leave you or forsake you." Deutronomy 31:6

A spiritual lesson I'm learning: "Faith can move mountains."

An attribute of God I've seen this week is His faithfulness. He's been with me from the very beginning of time, from the happiest hours to the most sorrowful times. He held my hand while walking on the straight path and sought after me when I was lost. the same loving and merciful Father has been with me through all the seasons of my life. :)

A picture I’d like to share is the cookies I baked on Thursday night. Thanksgiving cookies! It was salty actually. I think I've put on too much butter or, I've mistaken salt as sugar. hehe Anyways, Glogie liked it. And the old man in the street liked it too. I baked it because I felt happy my grandmother is okay. It's a miracle God has given. I just knew it, He healed her. Thank you Lord! And thank you everyone, for your prayers. :)

A creative goal for next week: finish Elaiza's love story and organize things :)

Did I complete my goal from last week... YES! Thank God... (though I'm not done with all the organizing) At least, I've organized my box! And thanks for Glogie who helped me seal it!  And JR and X! :) 


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