An Inspired Young Woman's Daybook (superrr grateful)

Find out how to do An Inspired Young Woman's Daybook here

Today I went to Frederikstad with Einar to clean the summerhouse. It's like one and a half drive from Oslo. The beautiful thing is I get to see the countryside-- the farms, barns, wheat fields, horses, and all. It's quite a long drive. And I was trying to keep myself awake all throughout the journey. I had a great time though. I cleaned the windows, put out the pillows and comforters, changed sheets, vacuum-cleaned the whole house and washed the floors. Plus, I was listening to hillsongs while working. And when we drove home: ice cream! hahahahahaha I enjoyed it so much. I'm not really tired. I'm so inspired to blog. :) Today is also my parents 26th civil anniversary.

I'm feeling superrr grateful. I thank God for the beautiful things in life most especially for having Mama and Papa as my parents.

My outfit is jeans, sweatshirt and gray socks.

Outside my window, the sky is gloomy. Maybe it'll rain later.

A song that's stuck in my head At the Cross by Hillsongs United.
Something (a book, song, movie, person...) that's inspired me recently is The Purpose Driven Life book by Rick Warren. I have started my 40-day journey and I hope to share it to the world too.

A prayer of my heart this week "May love conquer all hearts and reign in the world forever as Christ taught us."
I am creating (still) a sequel to my first story and a new series. :)

I am reading the Bible, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
I am thinking about life. It's unbelievably short. The people we have today are gone tomorrow. And I'm thinking that I hope I was good to all the people I've met before my days are over.

A scripture verse or passage that's stuck out to me this week "And you will be my people and I will be your God." -Jeremiah 30:22
A spiritual lesson I'm learning: God’s love still stands when all else has fallen.

An attribute of God I've seen this week is His infinite goodness. He rescues me everytime I'm falling. And I will praise Him forever.

A picture I’d like to share is my neice, baby reanne. I just think that she's really really cute.

A creative goal for next week is find people interested in 'bookstore'. :)
Did I complete my goal from last week... i tried..but i lost my usb. So I can't print pictures :( I hope to find it and do it asap! :)


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