An Inspired Young Woman's Daybook (full ^.^)

 Find out how to do An Inspired Young Woman's Daybook here

Today, we attended a Visayan Mass. A Visayan Mass! For the first time in a long long long time! My heart flooded with joy from the very beginning of the mass. The joy is unmeasurable being able to say during the act of contrition, "Akong sala, akong sala, akong dakong sala." (As in feel gyud kaayo ang pagdukdok sa heart.) From the beginning until end of the mass. I felt so happy. I felt like I'm at home. I felt so so grateful. This whole week has been a blessed week indeed.

I'm feeling full. As of this moment, I felt full. Aside from my stomach which has been due to the free meal they served after mass (which was so so great--arroz caldo, fried nga murag sinugbang chicken wings, pansit palabok, pansit (stir-fried), fried rice, plain rice, pasta with shrimps, etc plus dessert: cassava cake, biko, banana cake, fruit salad, mango float, sweet little balls nga wa ko khbaw unsay ngan and a lot more). It had been 40 days that I haven't indulged on extra luxurious food and now that I've allowed myself to eat, I felt full of all God's grace. I've tasted and felt it. However, full I maybe, my heart is full of happiness and sorrow, too. Happiness is due to God's love and sorrow is due to the love I felt for people who needs it most.

My outfit is light brown wool blouse and skinny jeans and white socks which are dirty.hehe

Outside my window, the sun is about to set. It's already eight in the evening and there's still light! Plus, there's a flower. ok, it's a weed but still it's a flower. Which means... SPRING!

A song that's stuck in my head "We are the reason that He gave His life. We are the reason Jesus suffered and died. To a world that was lost he gave all He could give. To show us the reason to live." We are the Reason by Gary Valenciano. Glogie made me listen to this song and we just sang this whil waiting for the bus.

Something (a book, song, movie, person...) that's inspired me recently is Father Red. All his thoughts, his experiences. his sacrifices. I can do no more than to admire how God works through Him and how he willingly shares God's love to us.

A prayer of my heart this week: May I praise God with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind. May I be an instrument of His love forever.

I am creating a beautiful soul.

I am reading the Bible.

I am thinking of finishing the stories which has been in my draft folder for a long long long time.

A scripture verse or passage that's stuck out to me this week: Romans 5:19 "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by one man's obedience many will be made righteous."

A spiritual lesson I'm learning: It is not enough that we do not sin. We have to do good deeds.

An attribute of God I've seen this week is His mercy towards us. It's something we do not deserve. Because mercy is for the undeserving ones. He shows us mercy because He loves us despite our imperfection. Despite our being 'undeserving.'

A picture I’d like to share is the easter egg I received from my host family. It's huge!!! And it's full of woderful treats!

A creative goal for next week is the same as the last, to be able to organize everything perfectly. :)

Did I complete my goal from last week... Nope... I did not. But I had a great week. An unforgettable week. A truly blessed week. :)


Melody said…
WOW that is a huge Easter egg! It wasn't solid chocolate, was it? ;)

I like the new layout of your blog! You should keep it this way. :D


Hi Melody! No, it isn't solid. But there're a lot of chocolates inside. :) Thanks! I'd really like to keep my blog this way.hehe i only have to find out how to arrange my widgets.

God bless you!


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