to ElijahDTF

I am listening Christian songs in youtube when I came across a question in the comment section from ElijahDTF: "if he loves me so much why is there so much pain and sadness in the world? starvation aids murder rape? why did god kill everyones first born baby back in egypt. why did he drownd the whole world? that dosnt sound like a "loving god" to me." And I was like struck. Maybe because one of my favorite characters in the Bible was Elijah. And having to read that question, I felt the urge to answer. Well maybe it isn't me, it is the soul in me... which is also me. So, I just want to share my answer... in case you are like ElijahDTF... because I, once was like him.

@ElijahDTF It is good that you stopped. And asked. Yeah... why? if God loves us, why does these things exist? Why not just a peaceful and loving world? Why do we have to suffer? Then put yourself in Jesus' feet. Why does He have to die? Why does His life be the payment for all our sins? It sounds unfair, right? And awful. How can we ever understand our God?

Back in the beginning of times, we are forgetful people, we forget about God. Always. (If you read the Bible you know what I mean.) And His anger is kindled against us that He wiped us out from the face of the earth by flood, by fire from the sky. That isn't so loving. But why are we still here? Because He relents most of the time. He could wipe us all out for our disbelief, for all our transgressions, our insults against His Holiness. He could just destroy the world He created with just a word. He could. But He did not. Because He LOVES us. He saved Lot, the only righteous one in Sodom. And when He tried to wipe out the world with flood, Noah and his family survived. Why? Because they believed. And God loves those who believe in Him. His love is so great that even when we always forget Him, He gave us judges and prophets (which we loved killing). And when He saw that the only way to save us is by offering an innocent blood, He came down from His throne to save all His people from the never ending fall to the darkness of sin. He chose to die for us to save us. Everytime you doubt about God's love, look at the cross. Take a closer look at the nails that bore His hands and feet. God loves us so much He didn't ask anyone to be His sheild. He had it all. He carried the burdens of our sins that we may live. He paid a debt He didn't owe because we owe a debt we couldn't pay.

 Surely, if God doesn't or didn't love us at all, we wouldn't be in this world. We wouldn't be breathing right now. However, we are in this world. It is not yet heaven. Why do we suffer? It is because of each other. If each one of us would learn how to give, there will be no starvation. If each one of us follow the commandments of God, there will be no aids, murder nor rape. It is because of us that we suffer. We harden our hearts so much that believing in Him requires a miracle. And even when He performs miracle, we choose not to see. We overuse the freewill that God has given to us. He could not force us to believe. He could not proclaim Himself God even when He is. Because He respects our freewill. Because He loves us so. But He shows His greatness to the people who have faith. The firstborns could have not died if the Egyptians turned away from their god and worshipped the one true God. But it must happen so His greatness may be revealed. Because even the Israelites whom He considered His people are losing faith in Him. They worship idols of gold even when they have God with them. All the things that happened was God's way of saying "Be still, know that I am God." 

Have faith. God loves you so much that with one doubtful question, you got more than one answer you need. Pray and have faith. We need to pray for a change of heart... and when we pray, slowly, this world isn't such a bad place to live a t all... we can wait here until His coming. And one more thing, there is a good thing about suffering... when you suffer, you discover your strength and that strength is Him. May God bless us all :)


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