new moon

Seriously, am I the last one to give my review on the movie? :)

I never thought I'll be so into this shall I call 'phenomenon'. My cousin Jam was the one who introduced this to me, she was excited and happy and panicky (yeah, like an addict) everytime she talks to me about Edward and Bella. And I was like, who are they? And she looked at me shocked, suddenly confused if I still belong to this world as she explained briefly (with sparkling eyes) the lovestory between a human and a vampire. And since I saw the trailer of the Twilight (which I thought was interesting especially when Edward stopped the car that almost hit Bella with his bare hand) and my cousin kept talking how good the whole series was (like I'll be missing 3/4 of my life if I didn't read them), I bought a book. And then I read. It was good, I must admit. I've read Harry Potter as well and it left me that feeling of wanting to belong into that kind of world you wished was real. It was a lovely story that made me want to bite after reading (feeling vampire!). haha And yes, yes, I do envy Bella Swan. And then I watched the film. It was awesome! Edward was perfect. Like, PERFECT. haha I just love the Cullens! Carlisle and Esme, Emmett and Rosalie, Jasper and Alice, Edward and Bella are really awesome pairs. Why do they have to be all dashingly beautiful? Each of the characters in the book was distinct and they were perfectly portrayed in the movie. They were powerful and strong and so so beautiful...Vampires rule! :)

And so, the New Moon. I never expected the twist in the story. I didn't have any idea that Jacob Black is something. Really. There was a booksale (buy 3 for 2) so, I bought three books to complete the series. And I do fell in love with it. I usually tag New Moon as "the rise of the shape-shifters!". Because it opens a new world. The wolf pack. I really love the wolves! The movie was magnificent. Super fantastic. Wonderfully and perfectly made. (I'm running out of adjectives!). It was all that was in the book. I was thinking, how did those guys (from the director to the cameramen to the actors to the graphic artists and so on) did it? The wolves looked real (and cute). And I was so happy that it was still Taylor Lautner. The book describes a sixteen year-old with a body of twenty-six. I was shocked to see Taylor gaining muscles a few months after Twilight. He is just perfect to be Jacob. His facial features describes that of the Quileute tribe. And Sam, Paul, Jarred and Embry they have the same basic features that can actually differ them from vampires. And they too, are strong. Bella's really lucky. :)

The best scenes for me: first, Edward breaking up with Bella. I can feel pain by merely watching Edward's expression. I didn't even want to watch that part. It was heartbreaking. Second, when Bella punches Jared and Jacob runs and shifts into his wolf-form and fought with Jared. That was great! Two gigantic wolves fighting. And the revelation about the lives of the wolves. Super! and third, when Alice, Edward and Bella faced the Volturi. Why do I have the feeling that I have to whisper? hehe It was scary. Because seeing the Volturi makes you come up with one word: POWER. They are powerful and they are dangerous and they are life-threatening because they are not the friendly ones. It's amazing how Caius, Aro and Marcus maintained that fine composure. And how Jane and Alec perfectly fitted to be the young, talented and most feared guards of the clan.

Final say: AWESOME! I never enjoyed a movie that much in the past years. Glogie and I weren't talking at all. It has been a long time since I felt that happy. So, to all the people behind New Moon, thank you! Most especially to Stephenie Meyer who gave birth to a different world of vampires and wolves. :)


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