2020 The Year of Perfect Vision

This year made us realize a lot of things. It made us see the world in a perfect vision. 20/20

Here's what 2020 made me see:

1. Prevention is better than cure. 

2. Self isolation is self preservation. 

3. Staying at home means saving lives. 

4. Wearings masks protects lives. 

5. Being grateful everyday keeps the blues away. 

6. I can get by one day at a time. 

7. This year God has given us the gift of time. Time to spend on what really matters: family.

8. Your loved ones bring you the best consolation at times you are suffering.

9. Showing kindness is the best thing you can do throughout this trying times. 

10. You are stronger than you think you are.

2020 was not the best year for us. Everyone could agree. We have lost a lot of lives but we continue to fight. This pandemic may have changed our lives but this doesn't change humanity. I'm looking forward to that day we can see each others' smiles and give our warmest hugs. One day soon. 

Goodbye 2020 ☺ 
Hello 2021 😘 


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