in times of trials

 Each and everyone of us has his/her own share of trials. Some we face with courage, with positive thoughts, with fighting spirit... some we face with fear, with despair, with frustration... That's life. Each and everyone of us must go through it. 

It is difficult. All trials are. Sometimes we even think we can never get out of it alive. Sometimes the sorrow is unbearable we just want to give up life. Sometimes the pain cuts too deep we just want to let go rather because the hurting seems to never stop. And we begin to ask WHY? and the only answer set before us is the defeaning silence that scares our weakened souls.

But though dark clouds are over us, we are left with a choice: either we fret when we get wet and soaked at the heavy downpour of the rain, or play in the rain. We can complain and cry out for the heavy burden we are to carry or we smile at it and tell ourselves we can make it. Whichever we choose, we still have to carry our cross. The choice is ours. We can worry, that's alright. That is normal... but we can also pray. They are almost the same. Worrying is like chanting over problems (getting depressed in the process thinking of the worst things) while praying is like chanting over problems (getting stronger in the process thinking of the best things that God will be giving). When worry attacks, give it all to God. Because at times you do not know what to do, He knows just what to do.

We must put in mind that during these times of trials, of deep sorrow, of great tribulation, we will never be alone. God is with us. GOD is with us. Our Rock and Fortress. Our Strong Foundation. Our Mighty Protector. Our Friend. Our Greatest Consolation. Our Help. Our Refuge. Our Saviour. Our Shepherd. Our Salvation... to whom shall we be afraid? 
When we realize how strong our God is, we then know how to face each trial. We then find that spark of hope that illumines our darkest path. Then we begin to walk in His light. And we begin to take heart... and before we knew it, we become stronger than we thought we ever could be.

These trials and tests in life are God's way of refining us... of preparing us for eternity. It is His way of molding us to the person He created us. His way of strengthening us. His way of making us worthy to be heirs of His kingdom in heaven. The way to eternal life is the way of the cross. We must carry our burdens with perseverance until we finish the race when we finally stand before our God, and He will be saying , "Well done, good and faithful servant."

 I know that when we go through something, no amount of anything could make us feel better. But one powerful thing I discovered, prayer works. It does. Always. It may not take away the pain, it may not change things into the way you want things to be, it may not even be the answer you want to hear but prayer... makes you get through the worst. Because when you pray, you humble yourself. Your heart becomes like that of a child. You begin to surrender yourself to God and allow Him to take charge of the things which are beyond your strength. And when you truly discover the power of God, in these times of trials, MIRACLES do happen.

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." -Revelation 21:4

This is what we ought to put in mind. This is our strength... our faith that never waver is delightful in the eyes of our Lord... It puts a smile in His face. It brings Him joy... And this, is our strength.
Let me now share a prayer I've read online. The author of this is unknown. It's a beautiful prayer which I now pray for you... and you who are reading this may pray for the someone who is suffering right now...

May the angels keep you til morning.
May they guide you through the night.
May they comfort all your sorrows.
May they help you win the fight.

May they keep watch on your soul.
May they show you better ways.
May they guard you while you're sleeping.
May they see you through your days.
May they show you new hopes.
May they still your every doubt.
May they calm your every fear.
May they hear you when you shout.

May the angels keep you til morning.
More than this I cannot pray.
And if the angels ever fail you.
Then may God be there that day. 

Let us remember what Saint Paul said while he was still suffering during his lifetime whom in proclaiming the gospel of the Lord. He worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. And He said,
"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." - Romans 8:18


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