An Inspired Young Woman's Daybook (feeling much better)
I was searching for frailpink in the net and I found a beautiful poem. It's entitled Paper Heart of which words moved me from deep within written by Celelbrilomiel. The blog belonged to Melody, a young woman who have so many beautiful things to share. Her blog is called Vividry. I've never seen a blog so wonderfully made. And she made this daybook which I loved to participate. If you'd like to make one, you can click the link below. :) Thank you for this Melody!
Find out how to do An Inspired Young Woman's Daybook here
Today, it rained and it was cold. We slept at 2:00 am at Anjie's place and we were grateful we were able to wake up early despite the cold weather because we wanted to attend the morning mass. We arrived at 9:00 and was again grateful because we were able to pray the rosary. The mass was celebrated by Father Red and we were moved by today's gospel (John 8:1-11) about the woman caught in adultery. And I was moved how Jesus sees our sin. Much more, how He forgives us. And Father Red said in his homily, "Everyone has the right to a fresh new beginning. And it always starts with humility. The humility to accept and to see ourselves as sinners and to accept and to see others as sinners who want to turn away from sin and renew their lives." After the mass, we went to Ate Joann's place and made some coconut biscuits and talked and stayed there until 4:00 pm. Glogie and I decided to walk home (which was more than an hour walk) because the weather was suddenly sunny. We passed by Vigeland's park and took some pictures and then went home.
I'm feeling much better. My heart still stings but not that much. I'm excited too (about going home).
My outfit is polo shirt and jeans.
Outside my window, it's dark. The dim lights from the windows of houses were nice to look at though.
A song that's stuck in my head "Hold me... Love me... Ain't got nothing but love babe, eight days a week." We were walking yesterday at Karl Johan's Gate and there performed our favorite grandpa and granddaughter singing. And that song never left me til now.
Something (a book, song, movie, person...) that's inspired me recently is Alice in Wonderland. I know, I still want to believe in magic. :)
A prayer of my heart this week is for my soul to seek and know how great the Lord's love is and to remain in Him for all my breathing days.
I am creating a patch for the hole in my heart. :)
I am reading the Bible.
I am thinking of ways to improve myself physically, emotionally, mentally and socially.
A scripture verse or passage that's stuck out to me this week is Genesis 18:14 "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" which strengthens my faith when worries come and about to pull me down.
A spiritual lesson I'm learning: The way of the cross is the way of life.
An attribute of God I've seen this week is His faithfulness. He had always been there for us; the same all-powerful, loving and forgiving God.
A picture I’d like to share is the wall after a lot of snowball hits from Kaspar and me.
A creative goal for next week is to organize everything in my room :)
Did I complete my goal from last week... (I'll have to answer this next week!) :)
That would be all for now. It had been a nice week and I hope better weeks are ahead for all of us!
So glad you like the daybook! It's neat to get a glimpse into your life. :)