as an ox
I feel a bit deranged actually. Just a little bit. Or maybe a little bit more than just a little bit. I just felt shattered deep down under. I just could not believe it, I'm an ox! An OX! And I just knew it now. Like, right now! Okay, I'm overreacting. This is nothing serious. I'm still human. Yeah, I still am. I'm talking about the year I was born based on the Chinese calendar. No, I'm not Chinese but I believe in these stuff. It's like an addition to my own self-knowledge. And I love the traditions and all. And I kinda liked to belong into certain groups.
All along I thought I was born at the year of the Tiger. And I so loved it. Because it's tiger! No offense to oxen. I just love cats eversince the beginning of time :) And I just love how Tigers are described : sensitive, emotional and adventurous. Confident, risk takers and dislike taking orders. Good at seeing problems, but less able to see the solutions. Often seek a shoulder to cry on when feeling down. Warm and generous to the people they love. I really really was deeply convinced that was so me. But well, yeah... Chinese new year starts in February something... It is based in lunar calendar. And I was born on January. Apparently, it is 1986 (in solar calendar, the one we have at home) which made me thought I was born in the of the tiger. *sigh*
It is no big deal actually. I just realized that last year was my lucky year and I didn't even know it. Pathetic. Can anyone give me some ice cream? Because I'm kind of upset. I should've known earlier. Why was I so dumb? *sigh*
So... I'm handling the truth right now. I still love tigers. But I'm an ox. After 12 years, it will be my year again. :) And I'm gonna make sure I'll be aware of it. And as an ox, I believe I should start acting like an ox. hahaha I kind of loved the way Oxen are described though. Born leaders who will work hard to achieve their aims. Dependable, good organisers and not easily influenced by others. Patient, loyal to their friends and expect loyalty in return. Tend to have lasting relationships. Ain't that wonderful? And check this out, I just got these from the web. I just might well like to share. And don't get me wrong, I was not upset because I'm an ox. I was upset because it took me 24 years to discover it. And now that I do, I'm happy about it. Especially when I read facts like these :) :
Famous People Born in the Year of the Ox
Chinese New Year for the Year of the Ox
By Rory Boland, Guide
The President of the United States Barrack Obama
Barrack Obama – That’s right, the new President of the USA, Barrack Obama was born in the Year of the Ox. You can find out what the Pres has to look forward to in a profile of his star sign in our Chinese New Year Horoscopes for 2009 article.Other Politicians
Petit French leader with designs on the world Napoleon Bonaparte, and, across the English channel, but no less fierce, Margaret Thatcher are both Oxen. The year of the Ox is worryingly popular with maniacal dictators and homicidal madmen, with Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein both taking their bow on the world stage in the year of the Ox.Actors and Actresses
A vintage year for heartthrobs, with George Clooney, Richard Gere and Paul Newman all Ox. Smile wielding funny men Charlie Chaplin, Jack Nicholson and Bill Cosby are also all Ox. Starring role for females in the year of the Ox is played by Meg Ryan, with support from Meryl Streep and Sigourney Weaver. And, not an actresses, but a perennial media favourite, Princess Diana, the people’s princess, is also an Ox.Artists and Musicians
Not too many of the world’s creative geniuses have hit the earth in the year of the Ox, but those that have are blockbuster names, including Vincent Van Gogh, Johann Sebastian Bach and Picasso . Not quite the equal of the above, but a crowd puller none the less, string plucker Bruce Springsteen is an Ox.Well... that's good to know. Who doesn't want to be an ox?