fangirling in the 90's

I was born in the 90's. In a rural area. In the time of brick games, cassette tapes and black and white TVs.  

MYX was very popular back then. I could still remember turning the pole of the antenna just to get better connection. Which is mostly like watching black grains of sands and that irritating sound which is more of a noise because you could not hear the music at all.

We don't have HD back then. No smart phones. You have to go to the city to buy Song Hits, it's a small magazine with song lyrics and chords and if you're lucky, your favorite band may have a full 2page poster at center. We were not rich and song hits is more of a luxury. So I had to borrow from my classmates to copy lyrics of the songs I love. We had no cellphones at that time, no cameras. I was first year high school when I got a supercrush on Scott Moffat. His long hair and his beautiful face just got me. I would have to stare like really stare on his picture hoping it would stick on my mind forever. If only I could cut the picture from the song hits, I would but I could not because it wasn't even mine. 😂 

I used to remember running home when I hear their music play from neighbor. We live in a small town. We don't have sound proof houses. And people love to share music. They love to play it loud. So while walking and I hear "If Life is So Short" I come home running. I would frantically search which FM station it was played while sweating, hoping I could still sing the song. It was crazy. But it was really fun. 

My sister and I used to listen to weekly countdowns every Saturday for the top 10 and every Sunday for the top 20. And we used to squeal and giggle when our favorite songs gets to the number 1 spot. When Westlife, BSB, Boyzone, A1 and NSYNC came to our lives, I just felt that the world was more beautiful.
Then I fell in love with Nicky Byrne and I even promised myself I'll go to Ireland and find him and I'll marry him. 

I used to record their songs on blank tapes and do PLAY and PAUSE, REWIND to write the lyrics. I even have a notebook which is full of song lyrics. Can you imagine our efforts? We have no Youtube, Spotify or iTunes, not even Google in those days. So when a new song comes in, we get ready our blank tapes and record it. And you know what's frustrating when you record songs from FM stations? They don't end the song properly. Towards the end you would hear the DJ or an ad. So you have to get that perfect timing for recording your playlist. 

This generation is very lucky. It is served to you in silver platter. Everything is in Google. You can watch their music videos as soon as they are released. You can even pry on their private lives in Instagram. We don't have that luxury back in those days.

I could not forget that time first time my father bought us a VCD of Westlife and BSB. We already had a colored 24-inch TV by then. you know the one with a big back? There were no flat screens at that time. But nonetheless it was very fulfilling to see you favorite band in a colored and clear screen. I was watching their music video standing. When I saw them dance on a concert, my sister and I were jumping for joy. You know that kind of happiness that could make you cry? 😂 It made my highschool life enjoyable. 

And when internet came and I learned that Nicky was already married, I got heartbroken but I was able to recover. I was happy it happened. And I won't forget it. 


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