Happy Thanksgiving ☺

Thanksgiving makes me think of turkeys in the oven. It's a tradition we do not practice here in the Philippines but we are all aware of because we either see it on TV shows or our employers are Americans. It's a popular and I could say, powerful tradition because it brings family together and it lifts up your heart. 

Even though it is not our tradition, the fact that it's Thanksgiving Day makes me think of things I am grateful for. Things that make me happy, things that make me strong, things that make life worthwhile. 

This year is quite a tough year for all of us. The toughest one for me. It has been an uphill battle and we are not done with it. 

This year, my eyes are opened about the things that really mattered to me. And they are not things, but people. People who make you strong, people who will always be there for you, people who makes you want to wake up each morning and thank God you are still alive. 

I thank God for my family. Though we are miles apart I could feel how much they love and care about me. I miss them so much especially that I wasn't able to go home since the pandemic started. But what keeps me strong is the fact that they are always there for me no matter what. And I must strive and stay strong for them. 

I thank God for my friends because during these trying times, friends keep me sane. A meal spent with them is much enjoyable. The laughter and seemingly endless talk is something I am and will always be grateful for. 

I thank God for my employer, for keeping her strong amidst the difficulties the economy is facing. I am well aware that many people have lost their jobs but I got to keep mine. And I am grateful for that. 

I thank God for the beautiful things He created. The stars, the moon, the sky, the flowers, the sunrise and sunsets, the cold wind during a hot day, the sound of rain, the rainbow, the trees, the mountains, the lakes, the ocean, the sea shore, the universe. It's still a beautiful world...

With a grateful heart, I send my thanksgiving to the skies. Thank you Lord for the marvelous things You've done. 


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