live life loving

Being be able to live means being able to love. How could I say so? Let's press rewind... back when there was nothing but vast emptiness in the universe... Okay, that's way too far. Let's press forward... on that very week of creation when God said, "Let there be light." and presto! There was light. The power of God was so great that just by the sound of His voice He has made all things well. But how did He create us? He took mud and molded us into His likeness... God didn't merely say, "Let there be man." He created us with His own hands. We are His masterpiece. By that moment of creation, God was happy and proud of His work... because we were created out of His great love. 

The keyword is there: LOVE... Life sprung out because of Love.

God has given us life. A very wonderful gift that we oftentimes take for granted. No one can truly understand the gift God has given until it is wasted away. And by then, we think about the time it was awesome and never really noticed that it was. Why? Because we failed to do one important thing: we failed to do our life's purpose. Yes, we failed to love.

And why do we fail? because Love, no matter how beautiful actually hurts... that is a fact. When we look at the Bible, it tells us the greatest love story the world has ever told... the love that was best expressed at the cross. Love is painful... but then... love brings forth salvation... and LOVE, brings forth life. Love is constant... whatever we do, whoever we are with, wherever we are, whenever it is, LOVE remains the same. It's unchanging. However, oftentimes, love requires sacrifice.

 It isn't easy to love. To give away ourselves and get nothing in return... and worse, when we give love and get hurt in return. Too often, we stop loving because of fear of hurting. We never realize that by doing so, we also stopped living. For without love, happiness, peace, harmony is also gone. What then is left for our lives to live?

Take away your foolishness, your stupid pride. Bury them deep down somewhere you cannot dig it up. Live. Love. Be happy. Because God wants us the best of the gift He has given.

Fret not if you fail... for as long as the sun rises in the east, God's love and mercy is renewed each passing day. Always remember that whenever you give love, it bounces back to you. Always... Always... because love is constant. It is forever.
Try not to be caught up with things of this life for all are vanity and it vanishes away. These are the things that is preventing love from coming into your heart. Learn to hold on something eternal... hold on to your soul. Your Guardian Angel. Mary our Mother. Hold on to Jesus. Be guided by the Holy Spirit. Hold on to God.

Do not forget, you shall pass this world but once... you get to live one life... a gift so precious God has chosen for you to have.

Live... Today you might be trapped in hatred. But love will always find its way back to you. Get out from the mud you buried yourself. Stand up. He is always stretching His hands wide open for you. As wide as He stretched for in the cross. Forgive yourself... for God already did.

Make a difference. Live life loving. It heals all the pains of living.


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