a heartfelt prayer

From where I am right now, I can see broken homes and broken hearts. I can hear the loud weeping and what seems to be endless wailing. I can feel the sorrow of every heart...

I was devastated when I heard about the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and I was terrified when I saw it on the news. I wasn't able to work. Fear crept over me. And my heart goes out to all the people, animals, homes, (everyone and everything) that was wrecked, totally destroyed by the tsunami. I was even more afraid when there was a possibility for tsunami at our very land. I was so sad for those I haven't even met, for a land I don't even know so much about. How much more my own country? My family and my friends are there!

I felt I was literally shaking... and then I knelt down... and in a sobbing voice, I prayed. My confidence and trust lies in my Saviour, in my Maker whose steadfast love never changes and whose great mercy never ceases. Somehow, by the end of my prayer, I felt being comforted.

I am still sorrowful... that on the other side of the earth, people are suffering. And I am still afraid... that the world will end and I am not together with my family. That is the worst thing that my mind came up with. But I am not dwelling on it because the world needs my prayer. I do believe that an honest, sincere prayer reaches heaven the fastest. No matter how unworthy, no matter how much we have sinned, when we pray with a contrite heart, God will hear.

And God will hear US, if we pray with one voice.

Honestly, I don't know how to interpret these things. These happenings are written in the book of Revelations, these famines, wars, earthquakes, floods. plagues... even Jesus predicted this. And throughout the ages, we knew that all the words that came forth from the mouth of God came to pass.

"As the rain and the snow 
   come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
   without watering the earth 

and making it bud and flourish,
   so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
   It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
   and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." -Isaiah 55:10-11

There were a lot of questions, "Is this the beginning of the end?" If the answer is yes, why are we afraid? We should be happy to be finally out of the land of the exile. The answer is because the world is not yet ready. I wish that all people know and believe in Jesus, because by His name, we all will be saved. I wish every living creature will proclaim Him as Our Lord for He truly is. I wish that everyone can learn to trust in His mercy and love... the greatest kind of love that He expressed on the cross as He lay down His life to save us from the death of sin.

We are bought at a price... a price we will never be able to pay. And it sad that not all of us realizes that. It is what brings forth my tears, thinking of how many unbelievers have died. But I believe that if we pray for them, they will experience an eternal life with God, because God loves both the righteous and the sinners, both believer and unbeliever. Because we are all His creation. No matter how we hurt Him with our transgressions, He still loves us and is always willing to forgive us.

I am afraid of the destruction, of seeing, hearing and feeling the world as it suffers. I can't take it watching the people I love suffer. I know I can handle my own suffering, but I don't know if I can take watching the sufferings of others. But if it is something that should take place, it is something that we should bear with trust that the Lord, Our Most Powerful God, will come to save us. And that would be the moment when He will create new heavens and new earth... and we will be with the Lord forever.

"Fear nothing...Before I made the world, I loved you with the love your heart is experiencing today and, throughout the centuries, My love will never change." (1754) words of Our Lord to St. Faustina

So, I invoke everyone to pray... Let us pray that each soul may be saved. Let us pray for our brethren who are suffering right now... for every child who was made orphan, for every broken homes, for everyone who has lost their loved ones, for those who are waiting to be rescued, for all who are afraid, hungry and desperate... Our hands may not reach them but our prayers will...

These are devastatingly sorrowful events... but I'll put my hope and trust in the Lord that amidst the darkness of this present time, awaits a new life with Him in eternity.

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." -ROMANS 8:18


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