A Letter to My 16-year old Self

Dear 16-year old self, 

Stop feeling weird id someone calls you by your first name. You have a beautiful name  it is not your fault if they find it hard to pronounce. Stop feeling embarrassed for everything. The only reason you are feeling ugly is you don't have the slightest confidence to acknowledge that you are. You really are! Don't settle, stol dawdling, move yourself. 
You have been tough on yourself. Very tough. Loosen up a bit. The world is so much more than what you perceive it to be. Stop punishing yourself for things that are not done perfectly. You will lose a great amount of happiness by being so uptight. No one is even perfect. You can strive to be but don't be hard on yourself if you can't. Because darling, no one is perfect. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Don't dwell on things in the  because it is affecting your future. In no time, you will realize that you are not living in the moment and a lot of good things has passed without you noticing it. 
Learn to accept reality. Life is just the way it is. You'll go through the best and the worse. And the worse just makes you stronger. Get past negativity and for goodness sake, stop being sad. You have turned it into a habit. Crying is your hobby. Stop it. It is not healthy. And there are a lot of things much worth of your tears. Do not overthink. Please, just be normal. No one can ever prepare for what is to come. You have to face it head on. Worrying about it does not change a thing. You just live a lot more miserable. So learn to be at peace with yourself. Practice resiliency. Celebrate little achievements. Don't wait for the big one because your discernment in things changes as you go through different phases in life. You may have reached your full potential on one thing and you have failed to celebrate. And you'll end up with a hungry soul. Tap yourself on the back for every job well done because you are getting better at life and you deserve it. 
Also, love yourself. Being selfless doesn't mean rejecting yourself. It's putting others first without compromising your needs. Always remember that you can't give out something from an empty box. Well, unless you're a magician and you are very well aware that you're not. So, love yourself first. Fully. Wholeheartedly. Stop gaining for other's approval. It's sickening to the heart and down to your soul. 
Lastly, first love isn't about everything. It's not even love. Yeah, I get that it felt right and that person is glued on your mind, but believe me, it won't last. He is not even who you think he is. And once you see his true colors, you'll be free from that chain you so call love.
Be strong. I wish I was there when you were struggling inside. Nobody would understand you but me. There are a lot of challenges out there and the most crucial part is making a choice. Whichever choice you make, God will always lead you when you call on to Him. But you, have to make the choice. 
All will be well. Learn to laugh a littlr bit more. And I know how much you love silence but be with people more. There are a lot to learn from them. 
Don't burn your dreams. I am quite struggling because of that. Haha No matter what happens, don't ever give up on your dreams. 
I love you... I love you so much. Stay strong 😘 

Your future and prettier self


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