Movie Review: TWO BROTHERS

Rate: ★★★★/☆☆☆☆☆

The story revolved around the life of two tigers, Kumal and Sangha who were separated as cubs and got reunited a year later in a battle arena. It was a moving story of two tigers' survival amidst the cruelty of the people who mostly regarded them as dangerous beasts.

The story was stunningly beautiful, all of us in our group were amazed how the movie was filmed for they used real tigers as casts who were interestingly superb in showing their emotions. The story can stir up a lot of emotions for it portrayed love within the family, a mother's love and an unbreakable bond between brothers. It was an intense story with a good moral but we do not recommend for young audiences for it shows violence against tigers since the story's plot was set during the French colonial period in Cambodia when tigers were hunted, enslaved and killed mercilessly for sports.

The first part of the movie already showed the different characteristic and abilities of the two tigers. Kumal was adventurous, courageous and moves with agility, while Sangha was feeble, meek and fearful that's why he was always protected by their mother.

When they were held in captive, it showed how one's environment can influence one's talents or abilities. Kumal who was brave to begin with, was used to a boring life in a cage. His movements were limited which made him used to the fact that he can only lie down for the rest of his life. He became expert in jumping fired hoops because he would suffer torment if he would not do so. His environment made him forget how big he was and set a limit on what he can do. He could have escaped if he wanted to but his failed attempts of escape since he was little has prevented him to try again and accepted the life in a cage. While the meek tiger, Sangha, had become ferocious because of the cruelty of the people who took after him. He used to be taken cared of by a young boy who loved him but because he had killed the family's dog when he was provoked, he was dragged out of the house, treated like a dangerous beast and as a defense, he became one. It goes to show that the environment plays a great part of an individual's development. It molds his future. It has a huge impact on his self-worth and self-capacity.

The most beautiful and touching part of the story was on the battle arena when the two brothers were set to fight each other. It was breathtaking when Sangha attacked Kumal who was afraid to fight. Sangha showed ferocity and sent Kumal to the ground trying to defend himself. It was when Sangha looked into his brother's eyes that he remembered how he protected him when he was young and they started hugging and kissing and they were soon playing instead of fighting. This part displays a very important reminder that an individual's character can be greatly affected by their emotional behavior. It also implies that no matter how fierce an individual can be, he can be softened by one powerful force we call love.

Kumal's disheartened spirits were lifted because of his brother's existence. He would have gone back to his cage if Sangha did not encourage him to escape. During the fire in the jungle, when they were hunted by people, it showed how unafraid Kumal was who was trained in jumping hoops of fire at the carnival. It was touching when he went back for his brother and showed him it is okay to jump through the fire. This shows that an individual's talents can be developed by encouragement of people who mattered to them.
Both tigers had one person who loved them when they were cubs who helped them escape and go back to the jungle where they belong. This shows that kindness begets kindness, that even the fiercest animal can be tamed if you show them love.

It was a relief when we saw them together with their mom, finally, together at peace on their lair.


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