journey home

My last day in Norway was heartbreaking. I felt sadness like I never felt before. The pain was almost like leaving home. Yes, it was almost unbearable. Missing the people you've learned to love was the hardest part. But what made me get through it was the joy of a well-lived life Norway has given me. I know I felt nothing but grateful... for all the people God has given me that molded me into a better person. So even when I've shed so many tears, I was able to smile because I am happy I am finally going home. :)

My flight to Moscow went fine. I waited for four hours for my flight to Hongkong. I've read the cards and letters and scrapbooks given to me. And once again I cried because I felt so blessed and I felt special. I wrote cards for my family too. And cried once more for the unexplainable happiness of the realization that after the long wait, I am finally coming home.

When it was boarding time, I went to gate 50 and was confused when people suddenly got out off the line and went to gate 51. And it wasn't my flight. I hurriedly went to the information desk, following two more ladies who were on the same flight only to hear, "It has already departed." And I was like, "What?" Hoping I heard it wrong but the lady said. "The plane has left."

And there, I felt an adrenaline rush but I didn't know what to do. I thought I was going crazy for a while when they said we need to book another ticket. I was close to tears and was really worried as they kept us (Tracy and me, the other girl must've found another flight) inside the room to wait. They took our passports and our boarding pass. And for what seemed like forever, we waited. I was really afraid of not going home. I was thinking that I have been so irresponsible for myself that I missed my flight. The thing is, they changed the gates without announcements. But I got one fault too, I lost track of time. When worries and confusion and anxiety went too far, I closed my eyes and prayed. I didn't know what will happen next and I guess, I will always not know. But one thing I could do was trust that God will make a way. He always does good things. Why should I worry. So I lifted up everything unto Him. And I felt the burden inside me eased up. The gummy candies from Tracy helped relax my tensed nerves too. It was a great relief that I wasn't alone. I was so glad to have her as a company.

And then the lady in uniform came and said, "Come, ladies!"  And we had new flight tickets :) I felt so relieved. Thank God! We had to wait for tomorrow but it didn't matter as long as we can go home. Tracy got a little emotional with what happened. She said it was like an eye opener for her because she always make people she loves worry about her. She went to Europe for a tour and she didn't expect she would be in this situation. I just told her that things happen for a reason though we won't know until the later time.

A memorabilia of that terrible moment... and yet, we're still smiling :)

But the happiness didn't stop there. My second stop-over is like a dream come true. Korea! I really felt so happy. Truly, God does wonders! Sleeping at the airport wasn't so easy but manageable. Back pains can't kill. That's a good thing. I enjoyed being with Tracy until my next flight.

Excitement filled me while I was boarding Korean Air. I savored each happy feeling I got. And I felt more than blessed. I felt like a child who's wish had finally came true. The happiness was undefinable. For a while, I forgot that my heart was breaking. I enjoyed staying twelve hours at Incheon Airport. I love every moment being there. At last, I saw them all and hearing them speak. Yes, it was one of the most fascinating experience ever! I was even lucky to have the chance to wear hanbok (their national costume). Plus, there were live performances of their ancient culture. Amazing.. yeah, severe na severe! I took some pics!
Roaming around the airport. My smile shows how happy I am... hehe

I can't believe I was able to wore hanbok. It's dream come true! Yey!

With a real Korean! haha

Lucky to see them! I even left my luggage and followed the parade.haha          
sooo Korea! >¨<

And now.. waiting for my flight home... :)

When I boarded at my flight for Cebu, I was so awesomely fulfilled. Real joy took over. At last, I was going home!
My brother was there to fetch me from the airport. Too bad, the battery was exhausted. I was exhausted too.
And after a long, long journey, I was finally home. I get to hug them all. Most of all, I get to hug, Mama. That was an answered prayer too. I thank God I was at last, HOME.


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